Alan L Carsrud Author & Editor

Alan L. Carsrud is Executive Director, Global Enterpreneurship Center, Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Clinical Professor of Management at Florida International University. Previously, he served on the faculty at the Anderson School, UCLA, and directed the graduate programs in entrepreneurship at the University of Texas, Austin, and the University of Southern California. He has taught at Pepperdine University, Nangang Technological University in Singapore, Anahuac University in Mexico City, and the Australian Graduate School of Management in Sydney. He was on the start-up team at People Express Airlines and Founding Director of CytoSignal, a biotech firm, and has served as Vice-President for the International Council for Small Business, on the Board of Directors of the Family Firm Institute, and as Founding Associate Editor of the journal, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.

Malin E. Brannback is Professor of International Business at Abo Akademi University, Department of Business Studies, and Docent at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration and the Turku School of Ecomomics and Business Administration in Finland. She has held a variety of teaching and research positions in such fields as strategic management, international marketing, organizational processes, and pharmacy. She has served on the organizing committees of numerous international conferences and on the editorial board of the Journal of Decision Systems, and has published widely on entrepreneurship, strategic management, biotechnology, and other topics in articles, monographs, and conference presentations.