The Ivory Gate
Thomas Lovell Beddoes - Paperback
Born in London in 1949, Alan Halsey ran The Poetry Bookshop in Hay-on-Wye for almost twenty years before marrying fellow poet Geraldine Monk and moving to Sheffield where he continues to work as a specialist bookseller. Collections of his poetry include Five Years Out (Galloping Dog 1989), Wittgenstein's Devil (Stride 2000), Marginalien (Five Seasons 2005), Not Everything Remotely (Salt 2006), Term as in Aftermath (Ahadada 2009) and Even if only out of (Veer 2011). Five Seasons also published The Text of Shelley's Death (1995) and Lives of the Poets (2009). As poet and graphic artist he has published collaborations with Karen Mac Cormack (Fit To Print, Coach House 1998), Gavin Selerie (Days of '49, West House 1999), Kelvin Corcoran (Your Thinking Tracts or Nations, West House 2001), Steve McCaffery (Paradigm of the Tinctures, Granary 2007) and others. He edited Thomas Lovell Beddoes' Death's Jest-Book for West House in 2003 and The Ivory Gate, a collection of Beddoes' later work, for ReScript Books in 2011. He is currently editing Bill Griffiths' collected poems and two volumes have so far appeared from Reality Street, Collected Earlier Poems (2010) and Collected Poems & Sequences 1981-91 (2014). His text-graphic work includes Memory Screen, shown at the Bury Text Festival in 2005, and In White Writing (Xexoxial 2012). He co-directs the antichoir Juxtavoices with Martin Archer and the group's album Juxtanother antichoir from Sheffield was released on Discus Records in 2013.