Alain-René Le Sage Author

Alain René Le Sage (Author)
Alain René Le Sage (1668-1747) was a French novelist and playwright. He is known for his comic novel The Devil Upon Two Sticks, his comedy Turcaret, and his novel Gil Blas.

O M Brack Jr. (Editor)
O M BRACK, JR., a professor of English literature emeritus at Arizona State University, is coauthor of Samuel Johnson's Early Biographers and coeditor of The Early Biographies of Samuel Johnson. He has edited volumes of the Works of Samuel Johnson published by Yale and is textual editor for the Georgia series the Works of Tobias Smollett. Brack is the curator of the 2009 Johnson tercentenary exhibition at the Huntington Library.

Leslie A. Chilton (Editor)
LESLIE A. CHILTON is a faculty associate in English at Arizona State University.

Alexander Pettit (Editor)
ALEXANDER PETTIT is an associate professor of English at the University of North Texas. He is also the general editor of three series: The Works of Tobias Smollett (Georgia), British Ideas and Issues, 1660-1820, and Selected Works of Eliza Haywood.