Alain Nadaï Editor & Author

Béatrice Cointe is a researcher in Science and Technology Studies. She wrote a PhD thesis on the emergence of photovoltaics in France at the Centre for International Research on Environment and Development (CIRED). She has held post-doctoral positions in Aix-Marseille University, France and at TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture in the University of Oslo, Norway.
Alain Nadaï is a senior interdisciplinary social scientist at CIRED, the Centre for International Research on Environment and Development, which is part of the French CNRS. His research activity has been centred on environmental controversies and policies, landscape policies, and energy transition policies. He is currently researching the societal and spatial changes induced by energy transition processes. He has contributed as a lead author to the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN, 2011).