Mathematical Work in Educational Context
3 contributors - Paperback
Alain Kuzniak is professor emeritus at the Université de Paris and member of the Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz (LDAR). Among his various academic responsibilities, he was Director of the Doctoral School “Scientific Knowledge” and of the Master of research in didactics of disciplines, Director of the LDAR, President of the French Commission on Mathematics Education, member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME13) and President of Espace Mathématique Francophone in Dakar. He is involved in the creation and development of the Theory of Mathematical Working Spaces. His research interests include geometry didactics, probability didactics and didactics of analysis and teacher training at university level. He has supervised several doctoral theses and has been a doctoral jury member in various countries, including France, Germany, Cyprus, South Africa, Chile, Mexico and Canada.
Elizabeth Montoya is professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV). She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Science. She has also been Vice-President of the Mathematical Society of Chile and is the Chilean representative at ICME. As a specialist in mathematics didactics, her research focuses on analysis and reasoning in relation to modelling and teacher training. She has been involved in the development of MWS theory since its creation and was president of the organizing committee of the Sixth Symposium on Mathematical Work in Valparaiso in December 2018. As Director of the PUCV doctoral program in mathematics education, she also has extensive experience in teaching and supervising research on mathematics education.
Philippe R. Richard is professeur titulaire (full professor) in the Département de didactique at the Université de Montréal. He is a specialist in didactics of mathematics and computer science. He has participated in and has led several major programs concerning didactics, mathematics and computer science. His current research activity extends the recent technological achievements of his research team in artificial intelligence. He is regularly invited to chair thematic groups (CERME, ICME) and to preside over symposia on mathematical work (ETM). He also gives research seminars and participates in the writing of synthesis texts and as editors for books. He has been a visiting professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Université de Paris and the École Polytechnique de Montréal, and he is currently editor-in-chief of the journal Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives (IREM, Université de Strasbourg).