Akula Venkatram Author

Dr. Akula Venkatram is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. He has over 40 years of experience in developing and applying air pollution models. Dr. Venkatram co-edited and contributed to the Lectures on Air Pollution Modeling published by the American Meteorological Society. He was member of the team that developed AERMOD, and was a principal contributor to RLINE, the USEPA model for line sources. He is the recipient of an award from AMS Committee on Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution for “contributions to the field of air pollution meteorology through the development of simple models in acid deposition, ozone photochemistry and urban dispersion”, 2011. His research on modeling the air quality impact of transport related emissions was recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, through a Scientific and Technological Achievement Award for “expanding and improving the scientific and regulatory communities’ ability to assess the impacts of mobile source emissions”, 2010. Nico Schulte, PhD, is an Air Pollution Specialist in the Research Division of the California Air Resources Board. He has written on modeling dispersion of road emissions and the impact of near-road solid barriers and urban buildings on ground-level pollutants.