Akram Seifi Author

Mohammad Ehtearm is a researcher in artificial intelligence. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. His previous positions include a visiting and post-doctoral researcher at university of different universities of Canada, USA, and Poland, a manager of dam and irrigation project, manager of rehabilitation of dam and expert of stability, monitoring, and operation of dams in Isfahan Regional Water (2014-2016), a lecturer in Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran (2016-2018), and a manager of different projects of artificial intelligence of Iran including finding optimal location of mines and grade estimation of raw materials. His research interests generally lie in the areas application of remote sensing in water resources, water, energy, and food nexus, sustainable water resources development, extreme hydrological events, river engineering, remote sensing in water resources, dam and hydropower operation, geotechnical engineering, mining engineering, and artificial intelligence, and remote sensing in mining engineering.

Akram Seifi is an associate professor at Water and Science Engineering Department of Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran, with broad research interests in environmental science, water quality, and drip irrigation management, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence modeling. She holds a Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees on Irrigation and Drainage Engineering from the Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.

Fatemeh Barzegari Banadkooki is an assistant professor at Agricultural Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran, with broad research interests in environmental science, water quality, and water resource management, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence modeling. She holds a Ph.D. on Watershed Management Science from the Yazd University, Yazd.