Akinori Isogai Editor

Robert Boyer, Senior Economist at CEPREMAP (Centre pour la Recherche Economique et ses Applications), is currently fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2010-2011). He is a contributor to Régulation Theory, i.e. a research program which analyzes how economic institutions evolve in the long run and defines diverse contemporary brands of capitalism. He has published extensively on labor institutions, technical change, institutional macroeconomics, economic history, financial crises and European integration. These publications include Contemporary Capitalism: The Embeddedness of Institutions (with R. Hollingsworth Eds), CUP, 1977; Japanese Capitalism in Crisis, with T. Yamada, Routledge, 2000; Régulation Theory the State of the Art, with Y. Saillard, Routledge, 2001; The Future of Economic Growth, Edward Elgar, 2004; History Repeating for Economists, An Anticipated Financial Crisis, Prisme n° 13, November 2008, Cournot Centre for Economic Research, Paris. Hiroyasu Uemura is Professor of economics at Yokohama National University, Japan. He is a contributor to Régulation Theory, i.e. a research program which analyzes how economic institutions evolve in the long run and defines diverse contemporary brands of capitalism. He has published books and articles widely in the field of institutional economics and macroeconomic analysis. These include The Institutional Analysis of Socio-economic Systems: Beyond Marx and Keynes, Nagoya University Press, 2007 (with A. Isogai and A. Ebizuka). Furthermore, He also contributed to chapters in Boyer, R. and Yamada, T., Japanese Capitalism in Crisis: A Regulationist Interpretation, Routledge, 2000. Akinori Isogai is Professor of economics at Kyushu University in Japan. He has published books and articles widely in the field of the evolutionary and institutional economics and institutional analysis on the contemporary Japanese economy. His recent publications include The Frontier of Institutional Economics: Theory, Application and Policy, Minerva Shobo, 2004, and The Institutional Analysis of Socio-economic Systems: Beyond Marx and Keynes, (with H. Uemura, and A. Ebizuka), Nagoya University Press, 2007.