Akiko Manabe Editor

Beatriz Penas Ibáñez, PhD, is a full tenured Professor in English and Head of the English and German Department at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She specialises in Cultural Semiotics, Narratology and the literature of Ernest Hemingway. Her research in the field of Semiotics is specifically focused on the interrelation between language, identity and culture. Her main publications include Interculturalism: Between Identity and Diversity (2006), Paradojas de la interculturalidad: filosofía, lenguaje y discurso (2008), Linguistic Interaction in/& Specific Discourses (2010), Con/Texts of Persuasion (2011).

Akiko Manabe, PhD, is Professor of English at the Shiga University (Japan). She specializes in American as well as Irish Modernist poetry and drama, especially Ezra Pound and other poets he directly influenced such as W. B. Yeats and Ernest Hemingway. Recent publications include Hemingway and Ezra Pound in Venezia (2015), «W. B. Yeats and Kyogen: Individualism & Communal Harmony in Japan’s Classical Theatrical Repertoire» and «Pound, Yeats and Hemingway’s ​Encounter with Japan: Kyogen and Hemingway’s Poetry». She is an executive committe member of academic societies such as Japan Yeats Society, Japan Ireland Society and International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), Japan.