Åke Grönlund Author & Editor

Åke Grönlund is Assistant Professor in Informatics at Umeå University and Director of the Center for Studies of IT in the Public Sector (CSIPS). His research focuses on emerging uses of ICT such as electronic services in an organizational context, ICT strategies, business organization, use, and usability, most prominently electronic government and e-democracy. Current projects include regional development, local democracy and mobile work, and the recently started Democrit research program on IT and democracy. Professor Grönlund has served for many years as a consultant in international European research and development projects in the field of electronic services development, management, and evaluation. Most recent international publications include Managing Electronic Service–A Public Sector Perspective (Springer, 2000), Democracy in an IT-Framed Society (Communications of the ACM, January 2001), and three recent books in Swedish on electronic services, local e-democracy and electronic government.