Aileen A Feng Author

Fabian Alfie is Professor of Italian at the University of Arizona. He is a specialist of the literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, including Dante and Boccaccio.  The focus of his research is the comic-satiric tradition of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, and he has published books on Rustico Filippi, Cecco Angiolieri, and Dante’s insulting exchange with Forese Donati.

Aileen A. Feng is Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Arizona. She specializes in early modern literature, especially Petrarch, Petrarchism in Italy and France, neo-Latin humanism, and the Querelle des femmes. With Unn Falkeid, Feng is the co-editor of Rethinking Gaspara Stampa in the Canon of Renaissance Poetry, and the author of Writing Beloveds: Humanist Petrarchism and the Politics of Gender.