Aida Audeh Editor

Aida Audeh is Associate Professor of Art History and Chair of the Department of Studio Arts & Art History at Hamline University, Minnesota. She has published widely on French artists' interest in Dante in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with articles appearing in such publications as Annali d'Italianistica, Dante Studies, Studies in Medievalism, and the Journal of the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for the Visual Arts at Stanford University. She is a contributing author to Dante in the Nineteenth Century: Reception, Portrayal, Popularization (Bern: Peter Lang) and to Dante in France (Florence: Le Lettere. Nick Havely is Professor of English & Related Literature at the University of York, UK. His main research interests are in late medieval literature and in Anglo-Italian literary relations. His earlier books included Chaucer's Boccaccio: Sources for Troilus and the Knight's and Franklin's Tales (an anthology of translations, 1980, 2nd edition 1992); and editions of The House of Fame (1994) and Chaucer's Dream Poetry (1997). His work on Dante and his reception includes a number of recent books: Dante's Modern Afterlife: Reception and Response from Blake to Heaney (1998); Dante and the Franciscans: Poverty and the Papacy in the 'Commedia' (2004, reissued in paperback by Cambridge University Press in 2008); the Dante volume in the Blackwell Guides to Literature series (2007). He is also currently working on a study of Dante in the English-Speaking World, from the Fourteenth Century to the Present which is contracted with Oxford University Press.