Mitigating Climate Change
2 contributors - Paperback
Professor David S-K Ting is the Founder of the Turbulence & Energy Laboratory. He supervises students on a wide range of research projects primarily in the energy conservation and renewable energy areas. To date, Dr. Ting has co-supervised over eighty graduate students and co-authored more than one hundred and forty journal papers. His editorial involvement includes a dozen special issues in high-impact journals, five volumes with IET, five with Springer, three with CRC/Taylor and Francis, one with World Scientific Publishing, one with Jenny Stanford, in addition to four single-authored textbooks.
Dr. Ahmad Vasel-Be-Hagh is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Founding Principal Investigator of the Fluid Mechanics Research Laboratory at Tennessee Technological University. He researches fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics using analytical and computational fluid dynamics and laboratory/field experiments. His research applications include thermal power plants, wind farms, energy storage, aircraft and submarines, and marine hydrokinetic devices. To date, he has published 22 articles in scientific journals and six chapters in research books. He has edited three books, four proceedings, and multiple special issues.