Ahmad Osman Author & Editor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad Osman—Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing—IZFP, is Academic Chief, Head of the Applied AI group AutomaTiQ, and Member of the International Steering and Scientific Committees of the 3rd International Conference TMM-CH “Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace.”

Dr. Antonia Moropoulou is Professor Emeritus at National Technical University of Athens and President of the International Steering and Scientific Committees of the 3rd International Conference TMM-CH “Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace.”

Dr. Kyriakos Lampropoulos is Assistant Professor at National Technical University of Athens and Member of the International Scientific Committeeof the 3rd International Conference TMM-CH “Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace