Diversifying Philosophy of Religion
2 contributors - Paperback
Heleen De Jonckheere is a PhD candidate at the Department of Languages and Cultures of Ghent University in Belgium. Her research deals with Jain narratives and inter-religious, literary dialogues in medieval North India, focusing on the genre of Dharmaparīkṣās. Marie-Hélène Gorisse is a post-doctoral researcher and guest professor at Ghent University. She completed her PhD at Lille University. Her main research interests are Jainism and South Asian epistemology, hermeneutics and theories of argumentation. Agnieszka Rostalska is a doctoral researcher at Ghent University in Belgium and Gonda Fellow at IIAS, Leiden University in the Netherlands. She received her PhD from Pedagogical University of Kraków in Poland. She specializes in Indian philosophy and comparative and cross-cultural philosophy.