Voice of the Two Shores
Agnes Agboton - Paperback
Agnes Agboton, born in Benin in 1960, is a multilingual author and storyteller residing in Catalonia, Spain. She has published two bilingual books of poetry in Gun (her mother tongue) and Spanish, Voz de las dos orillas (Voice of the Two Shores) and Canciones del poblado y del exilio (Songs of the Village and of Exile). Her other titles include the autobiography Mas alla del mar de arena (Beyond the Sea of Sand) and Na Miton: La mujer en los cuentos y leyendas africanos (Na Miton: Women in African Stories and Legends). She has also written books on African food, and collections of African legends. She represented Benin at the Poetry Parnassus, at the London 2012 Olympics. Lawrence Schimel's translations into English of her poems have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation and the anthology New Daughters of Africa, edited by Margaret Busby.