Adolphe Nicolas Author

Professor Jean-Luc Bouchez (1946-) After his academic studies at Grenoble University (France) in Physics and Earth Science, Jean-Luc Bouchez became assistant professor at Nantes University (France) under the direction of Adolphe Nicolas until 1986. He then attended the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (Toulouse University), doing teaching and research worldwide (Africa, Brazil, Iran, Spain, Portugal ...) concerning principally mineral and magnetic fabrics, natural plasticity of quartz-rich rocks, and emplacement of granite plutons. He was awarded the Louis Barrabé Medal at the French Geological Society. Professor Adolphe Nicolas (1936-2020) After his academic studies at University of Paris in Physics and Earth Sciences, he became assistant professor at the School of Mines in Nancy (France), then professor, first at the University of Nantes, up to 1986, where he set up his Petrophysics Laboratory, which then moved to Montpellier University. He was a specialist of peridotites and ophiolites, particularly from Oman. Adolphe Nicolas wrote several books, among which "Principes de Tectonique" (1984), and was awarded several distinctions: Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU); Veinig Meinez Medalist; Member of The Institut Universitaire de France; Dolomieu Award of the French Academy of Sciences; Harry Hess Medal of the AGU.