Aditya Mukherjee - Paperback
Aditya Mukherjee is Professor of Contemporary Indian History, Centre for Historical Studies and Dean, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. He was educated at St. Stephen’s College and JNU. He is the Editor of the ‘Sage Series in Modern Indian History’ published by SAGE publications, (fifteen monographs already published) and was editor of the Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru (2009-11).He is Member of the Council of The Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) since 2009.He specializes in Economic History, particularly business history and the political economy of post-colonial development. He was President of the Indian History Congress for Modern India, 2007-8. He has been Visiting Professor at Duke University, U.S.A., 1986;JSPS fellow and Japan Foundation Fellow at University of Tokyo, Japan,1996 and 1999-2000 respectively;Visiting fellow at the Institutes of Advanced Study at Lancaster, UK and at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study at Nantes, France, 2010 and Visiting professor at La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy, 2013. His publications include the following books: India′s Struggle for Independence, Viking, 1988, Penguin, 1989, 58th reprint in 2014, and India Since Independence, Penguin, 2008, both co-authored and translated into five languages;Imperialism, Nationalism and the Making of the Indian CapitalistClass 1927-1947, Sage, 2002;RSS, School Texts and The Murder of Mahatma Gandhi: The Hindu Communal Project, Sage, 2008, co-author; A Centenary History of the Indian National Congress, 1964-1984, Vol.V,(editor),Academic Publishers, New Delhi, 2011. Mridula Mukherjee is currently Professor of Modern Indian History and Chairperson of the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Professor Mukherjee has been Visiting Scholar at Duke University, USA, and at the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo. She has also been Chairperson of the Archives on Contemporary History at Jawaharlal Nehru University. She has published widely in the areas of agrarian history, peasant movements, social movements and the Indian national movement. Her publications include India’s Struggle for Independence (1999) and India After Independence 1947–2000 (2000), both co-authored. Sucheta Mahajan is Professor at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has been Gillespie Visiting Professor at the College of Wooster, Ohio, US, a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation′s Bellagio Center and a Visiting Professor at the Maison des Sciences de l′ homme, Paris. Her significant books include Independence and Partition: The Erosion of Colonial Power in India (2000); India′s Struggle for Independence (1988; with Bipan Chandra et al); RSS, School Texts and the Murder of Mahatma Gandhi- The Hindu Communal Project (2008; with Aditya and Mridula Mukherjee) and Education and Social Change: MVF and Child Labour (2008). She has also edited many books such as Rites of Passage, A Civil Servant Remembers: H.M. Patel ( 2005); Composite Culture in a Multi-Cultural Society (co-edited with Bipan Chandra), and most recently, Towards Freedom 1947: Documents on India′s Freedom Struggle (2013). Her fields of interest span the short and long history of the twentieth century, its politics, political economy and social change.