Aden Kittel Author

Dr. Ian Cunningham, BSc (Hons), MA, MRes, PhD
Ian is a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at Edinburgh Napier University. He has over 15 years of experience as a mental skills coach and professional development educator to sport officials across sports and levels in several countries He has provided educational design support and policy recommendations for national and professional talent-identified officiating groups in Australia, France, U.K. and Canada. He currently provides developmental support to international elite match officials research-practice learnings on the Performance Enhancement in Sports Officiating (MSc) program at Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr. Aden Kittel BExSc (Hons), PhD
Aden has published 10 peer-reviewed academic journal articles related to sports officiating, and delivered 8 conference presentation talks (3 of which were invited). Aden is currently the lead editor for a special issue with Frontiers on the use of 360° VR use in Sport Training and Physical Activity. Aden has reviewed sports officiating-related manuscripts submitted to high ranking journals such as Sports Medicine, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, and Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.

Dr. Duncan Mascarenhas, BA (Hons), MSc, PhD
Duncan is an Associate Professor of Sport & Exercise Psychology and Coaching at Edinburgh Napier University. He is a Chartered Psychologist with over 20 years of experience working with elite sports officials. His research has primarily focused on developing decision making under pressure and effective communication in sports officiating. He has provided evidence-based training to a wide variety of match officials in the northern and southern hemisphere, developing high pressure decision-making, psychological skills and effective player management strategies. He is now the Programme Leader of the world’s first masters degree for sports officials (MSc Performance Enhancement in Sports Officiating), specifically designed to enhance performance in elite match officials across the globe.

Dr. Paul Larkin, BSc (Ex and Health Sci) (Hons), PhD
Paul is a Senior Research Associate at Victoria University Maribyrnong Sports Academy, Melbourne. He has over 10 years experience working in elite and youth sport environments. He has worked on research projects involving many high performance sports in Australia in both the sports officiating and youth development areas. Paul has an internationally recognised research track record exploring talent identification and development in team sports (Football/Soccer; Australian Football), and also investigating the development of decision-making skills in sports officials. In his role at Maribyrnong Sports Academy, Paul is responsible for the development of research programs and projects to support athlete-performance monitoring, talent-identification processes, coach evaluation, and coaches' facilitation of athlete learning.