Creating and Opposing Empire
4 contributors - Hardback
Adelaide Vieira Machado: Researcher of CHAM, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. PhD in History and Theory of Ideas. Co-promoted the birth of IGSCP-PE. Published several books, chapters and articles on Contemporary History and press studies, and is presently focused on colonial intellectual and liberation movements’ press.
Isadora De Ataíde Fonesca: Assistant Professor and a Researcher at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Member of IGSCP-PE. Main areas of study: Press and Media Studies; the relations between popular culture and ideology; the dynamics between journalism and political regimes in Europe and Portuguese speaking countries.
Robert S. Newman: From Marblehead, Mass., USA. Taught Anthropology and Education in Australia at La Trobe University among other institutions. Published extensively on Goa and has worked as an independent scholar since leaving Australia and sees Goa as an intrinsic part of Indian civilization with a unique past.
Sandra Ataíde Lobo: Researcher of CHAM, FCSH, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. PhD in History and Theory of Ideas. Co-promoted the birth of IGSCP-PE. Among other interests, works on press and intellectual histories with particular focus in Goa and Portugal, colonialism and anti-colonialism, literature and politics, internationalism, cosmopolitan historiography.