Adam Lipszyc Editor

Agata Bielik-Robson is Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Nottingham and at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. Her research interests include: modern Jewish thought, psychoanalysis, and philosophy of religion. She is the author of The Saving Lie: Harold Bloom and Deconstruction (2011).

Adam Lipszyc works at the Insitute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science and at the Franz Kafka University of Muri. His most recent publication is a study of Walter Benjamin’s philosophy of language and justice, entitled Justice on the Tip of the Tongue (2012). He edited the volume Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy, Theology, Politics (2006) and co-edited Abraham Joshua Heschel: Philosophy, Theology and Interreligious Dialogue (2009).