Post-capitalist Futures
2 contributors - Paperback
Anita Hammer is a Senior Lecturer in Comparative and International Human Resource Management at De Montfort University, UK. A Sociologist of work and employment, she researches on the political economy of work in the Global South, in particular India and the Middle East. Her research examines the role of the informal economy, social reproduction and skills in structuring work and employment in multinational firms and in new industrializing/investment regions. Anita has published in leading journals, including Work, Employment and Society and Industrial Relations Journal. She is a research collaborator with Euro-Canadian network on Globalisation and Work, CRIMT, based at University of Montreal, Canada, and a research collaborator on their SSHRC partnership project ‘Institutional Experimentation for Better Work’, a 7-year project with 19 University partners across the world for 2017-2024. Adam Fishwick is a Senior Lecturer in Urban Studies and Public Policy at De Montfort University. His research focuses on the relationship between the changing nature of work, workers’ movements and the political economy of development in Latin America. He is also interested in alternative forms of social and economic organization in the region and beyond. Adam has published work in leading journals, including Geoforum and Development and Change and co-edited a recent volume entitled Austerity and Working-Class Resistance: Survival, Disruption and Creation in Hard Times.