Abraham Pizam Editor & Author

Dr. Youcheng Wang is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Research and a professor of tourism and marketing with the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. He is the author of 3 books and more than 100 scientific publications. He is serving on the Editorial Boards of 8 international academic journals. Dr. Wang has consulting experience in the areas of destination marketing, technology and e-commerce strategies for hospitality and tourism organizations, collaborative strategies for regional destination marketing and management. He has been awarded numerous research awards both at the national and international levels. Dr. Wang earned his Master's degree from Purdue University and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Abraham Pizam is Dean and Linda Chapin Eminent Scholar Chair in Tourism Management with the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. Professor Pizam is widely known in the field of Hospitality and Tourism Management and has conducted research projects, lectured, and served as a consultant in more than 30 countries. He has held various academic positions, in the U.S.A, U.K., France, Austria, Australia, New-Zealand, Singapore, Israel and Switzerland, has authored more than 150 scientific publications and ten books, is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Hospitality Management and serves on the editorial boards of 20 academic journals. Professor Pizam has conducted consulting and research projects for a variety of international, national and regional tourism organizations. Professor Pizam holds a Master's degree from New York University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University, and is the recipient of several academic awards. Richard Butler was educated at Nottingham University and the University of Glasgow (PhD Geography 1973), and spent thirty years at the University of Western Ontario in Canada as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Geography, and then the University of Surrey, where he was Professor of Tourism from 1997 to 2005. He is currently Emeritus Professor of International Tourism in the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. He has published a large number of journal articles, fourteen books on tourism and many chapters in other books. His fields of interest are the development process of tourist destinations the impacts of tourism, carrying capacity and sustainability, and tourism in remote areas and islands. currently serves as the Associate Dean, Interim Chair of the Tourism, Events & Attractions department as well as the Associate Director of the Dick Pope Sr. Institute for Tourism Studies at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida. Professor Croes has published three books entitled, "The Small Island Paradox: Tourism Specialization as a Potential Solution", "Anatomy of Demand in International Tourism", and his most recent book "Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Development". Additionally, he is a contributor to several books. His fields of interest include: econometrics applications in hospitality, tourism demand analysis/forecasting, tourism economic impact, competitive and sustainable tourism in tourism development analysis, tourism development applied to poverty alleviation and tourism development in small islands and developing countries. Professor Croes is the recipient of the 2015 Thea Sinclair Award. Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, PhD, is a Professor of Tourism and the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management at the University of South Carolina (USC). Before joining USC, Dr Turk worked at Texas A&M and Pennsylvania State Universities. He received his PhD and MS from Clemson University, South Carolina USA. He was the 2007 recipient of US State Department's prestigious Fulbright scholarship to Russia, Saint Petersburg State University of Finance and Economics. Ercan has published a significant number of articles in the area of tourism destination marketing and tourism development in prestigious tourism journals and completed numerous grants/ contracts exceeding one million US dollars. Dr Sirakaya-Turk is the founding-editor and current associate Editor for an online tourism research bulletin (e-Review of Tourism Research). He also serves at editorial boards of numerous journals including Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research (as a resource editor), and Tourism Analysis. He teaches tourism economics, marketing and research methods classes. Muzaffer Uysal is a professor and chair in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management - Isenberg School of Management at University of Massachusetts. He is a member of International Academy for the Study of Tourism, the Academy of Leisure Sciences, and serves as co-founder of Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal. In addition, he sits on the editorial boards of more than ten journals, including Journal of Travel Research and Annals of Tourism Research. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles, monographs, and several books related to tourism research methods, tourist service satisfaction, tourism and quality-of-life, experience value in tourism, tourism-related scales, and management science applications in tourism and hospitality. Dr. Uysal has received a number of awards for research, excellence in international education, teaching excellence, and best paper awards. His current research interests focus on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism development, and quality-of-life research in tourism.