Abid Yahya Author

ABID YAHYA began his career on an engineering path, which is rare among other researcher executives, he earned his bachelor’s degree from University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan in Electrical and Electronic Engineering majoring in telecommunication and MSc and Ph.D. degrees in wireless and mobile systems from the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Currently, he is working at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. He has applied this combination of practical and academic experience to a variety of consultancies for major corporations. Prof. Abid Yahya is a Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA and a Professional Engineer registered with the Botswana Engineers Registration Board (ERB). He has more than 120 research publications to his credit in numerous reputable journals, conference articles, and book chapters. He has received several awards and grants from various funding agencies and supervised several Ph.D. and master candidates. His recent three books, 1) Mobile WiMAX Systems: Performance Analysis of Fractional Frequency Reuse published by CRC Press | Taylor & Francis in 2019, 2) Steganography Techniques for Digital Images; 3) LTE-A Cellular Networks: Multi-Hop Relay for Coverage, Capacity, and Performance Enhancement, published by Springer International Publishing in July 2018 January 2017 respectively and are being followed in national and international universities. Prof. Yahya was assigned to be an external and internal examiner for postgraduate students. He has been invited several times to be a speaker or visiting lecturer at different multinational companies. He sits on various panels with the government and other industry-related boards of study.