The Modern Assassin
Abdulkadir Ozkan - Hardback
Abdulkadir Ozkan was born in 1980 in Istanbul. He graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication. Began his journalism career at the Yorunge magazine as a reporter. He worked as the Foreign News Editor at the İhlas New Agency. Worked as the news coordinator of the Turkish News Weekly newspaper in Sydney, Australia for two years, followed by Far East News Editor in Tailand, Hong Kong, China and Indonesia. For three years after the attack that claimed the life of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, he lived in Lebanon, Jordon and Dubai. He continued to write weekly columns at the TNW during that time. He worked as the editor in chief of strategy and ideas journal Global Research. He studied media and cultural relations, and Marshall McLuhans media theory. He was appointed as the press attache of President of Religious Affairs Prof. Mehmet Gormez in 2010, followed by Education Minister Prof. Nabi Avcıs press attache. In 2015, he was appointed as the senior advisor to the prime ministry. Presently, he is a member of UNESCOs Turkey National Commission Communication Committee Executive Board, the secretary general of the Islam Culture Arts Platform, a member of the European Diplomats Union Executive Board, president of the Culture and Arts Studies Center and the secretary general of the Democracy for All initiative. He continues to write weekly columns. He is married with three children.