Abdul Halim Author

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the School of Management USM. She joined the university after completing her PhD at the University of Adelaide, Australia. She teaches entrepreneurship and organisational behaviour related subjects. She also supervises PhD and MA students in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs. Currently, she serves as the President of the Asian Academy of Management and sits on the editorial board of the Asian Academy of Management Journal. She has served as a visiting professor and external assessor at the Management & Science University. She is also actively involved with consultation programs and served as a facilitator for community, entrepreneurship and leadership projects. Her research interests are in the areas of Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Organisational Behaviour.

T. Ramayah has an MBA from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Currently he is a Professor at the School of Management in USM. He teaches mainly courses in Research Methodology and Business Statistics. Apart from teaching, he is an avid researcher, especially in the areas of technology management and adoption in business and education. His publications have appeared in Computers in Human Behavior, Resources Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Information Development, Journal of Project Management (JoPM), Management Research News (MRN), International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) and North American Journal of Psychology. He is constantly invited to serve on the editorial boards and program committees of many international journals and conferences of repute. His profile can be accessed from http://www.ramayah.com.

Abdul Halim is currently an Associate Professor at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She received her PhD from University of Malaya, Malaysia. Her current research interests include HRM, management, strategic management, communication and others.