Obsessed by a Dream
Aashild Sorheim - Hardback
Aashild Sørheim is a professional writer and producer, with a long experience gained from working with different types of media, including TV-documentaries, commissioned educational films and interactive digital programs. She received her Cand. philol. degree from the University of Oslo and, after taking a diploma in education, began her media career with scholarships in both the USA and Europe. From 1973 to 1983 she worked as a journalist for Aftenposten, Norway's leading newspaper. Aashild is founder and former CEO of "The National Foundation for the Dissemination of Research" (1991-2005). She has been a consultant and received manuscript assignments for The Norwegian Broadcasting Company NRK, commercial companies, research institutes and professional organisations. In addition, she is the Co-founder and CEO of StreamChannel AS (since 2014), the Co-founder and CEO of KnowHow Media AS (since 1994) and has been the head of information services of the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (1985-1990). Her TV documentary "Always Brothers. Rolf and Viggo Wideroe" was broadcast in 2016.