A Srinivasan Author & Editor

G. P. Kothiyal, superannuated as outstanding scientist and head, Glass and Advanced Ceramics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, has major areas of specialization in glasses, glass-ceramics, thin crystalline film (by MBE) and bulk single crystal growth. He has published more than 155 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and edited several conference proceedings. Prof. Kothiyal is a recipient of several awards, including the 2009 and 2011 DAE Group Achievement Award, 2009 INS Science Communication Award, and 2002 MRSI Medal lecture Award.

A. Srinivasan, professor in the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, is an experimental physicist with research interests in magnetic materials, glasses and glass-ceramics, and thin films. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers. Prof. Srinivasan’s research interests focus on the development of glass and glass-ceramics for electronic, biomedical, and optical applications; development of advanced materials (spintronic materials, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, soft magnetic alloys, and nanostructured materials); and instrumentation.