Simone Weil
A Rebecca Rozelle-Stone - Paperback
A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, Ph.D. is Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Dakota. She earned her B.A. at Birmingham-Southern College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Rozelle-Stone served as the Vice President (2012-2014) and then President (2014-2016) of the American Weil Society, and has authored and edited several works on Simone Weil, including The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, Simone Weil and Theology, and Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy. Aside from Weil, her research interests include phenomenology, feminism, the ethics of attention, and the growing field of fatigue studies.