A L Rees Editor

Nicky Hamlyn is Professor of Experimental Film at the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury. His films have been screened worldwide at festivals and one person shows. He has written extensively on artists’ film and video. His book, Film Art Phenomena (2003) is published by the BFI.

Simon Payne is a video artist, writer, and programmer. He is a senior lecturer in film and media studies at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. A. L. Rees (1949–2014) was a critic, historian, and research tutor at the Royal College of Art, London. He is one of the authors of Kurt Kren.

A. L. Rees is a research tutor in the School of Communication at the Royal College of Art, London. His book A History of Experimental Film and Video was published by the BFI in 1999 and in an expanded new edition in 2012. Recent essays have appeared in Millennium Film Journal (United States), Iconics (Japan) and Sequence (United Kingdom). He was co-editor of Expanded Cinema; Art Performance Film (Tate Publishing, 2011).