Ariel Andres Almada author Sonja Wimmer illustrator
Publisher:Cuento de Luz SL
Published:17th Jun '21
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Winner at the 2021 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. Following on from the success of Filla, from the same creative team comes Fill, a declaration of love from parents to their son, with stunning art by award-winning illustrator Sonja Wimmer
This book is an invitation to transmit to our offsprings the love we have for them, the commitment to accompany them in every step they take in life, and, above all, the pride and privilege that every parent feels for being able to see them grow. From the moment they are born until they grow up, from their first glance cast at us until the moment when they are ready to start flying on their own. Fill is the perfect story to read in bed. Our little ones will fall asleep with a smile, protected by the love of their moms and dads.
A book that the whole family will want to read again and again, to remind us of the simple joy of traveling along life’s highway together.
Guanyador dels Moonbeam Children's Book Awards de 2021. Després de l'èxit de Filla arriba Fill, un tresor per a la biblioteca i per al cor dels més petits. Una declaració d'amor dels pares al seu fill magníficament il·lustrat per la guardonada il·lustradora Sonja Wimmer.
L'arribada tan esperada d'un fill omple d'amor els cors de tots els pares. Això és el que els va passar als pares d'aquest nen tan especial. En aquest conte li donen la benvinguda al món al seu petit fill, mentre li expliquen tot el que els agradaria compartir amb ell, les seves il·lusions i els seus temors. Com els agradaria vèncer les seves pors per ell, o evitar que passi per moments tristos, però la labor d'un pare és omplir el seu de plomes, perquè un dia pugui volar sol i se senti protegit, però, sobretot, perquè trobi el camí a casa.
Tens un fill? Llavors has de conèixer aquest fenomen editorial que està enamorant les mares i pares de tot el món.
“A parent’s love letter to a young son.” —Kirkus Reviews
“This book delivers words of confidence, of faith in the essence of our little one. Faith that his heart will know how to guide him in the most difficult moments, where darkness seems to envelop everything.” —La Cuentería Respetuosa
“Whether you are fathers or mothers, or have a newborn or children in your environment, this will be a book to read over and over again, it will remind you of the privilege of walking the path of life together.” —La Crisálida
“A tale to read in company that evokes happy moments, also of uncertainties, that will reinforce complicity and awaken always latent emotions.” —Canal Lector
ISBN: 9788418302435
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: 481g
32 pages