Eureka: Physiology, second edition
Publisher:Scion Publishing Ltd
Published:15th Oct '22
Should be back in stock very soon

Eureka: Physiology 2e provides everything a student needs to succeed in the subject, prepare for their clinical placements and pass their exams.
Logical book structure to aid the learning process:
- The book starts with a First principles chapter which clearly explains key concepts and the mechanisms of physiology.
- The subsequent systems-based chapters, including neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems, describe the physiological processes which underpin normal function.
- The book concludes with a final Applied physiology chapter showing how the body responds to stress, exercise, high altitude and massive blood loss.
Key features, to help learn the subject and link it to real world medicine:
- an engaging and authoritative style – with everything you need in one place
- realistic clinical cases – these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context
- extensive range of photographs – superb photos show clinical presentations and exactly how to demonstrate related clinical signs
- starter questions – stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need
- study boxes – these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points
Featuring insightful clinical cases, extensive illustrations and photographs, self-assessment questions and answers, and a wealth of other learning tools, Eureka: Physiology 2e will equip you with the core knowledge and skills you need for your exams and clinical placements!
Best Physiology text book in the market (covers the core science and clinical cases in one book)!!
‘Part of the medical degree that students often most struggle with is the basic sciences, its the examinations during the pre clinical years that has the higher resit rates. This Physiology textbook by Dr Mann, is well written and explained. It covers all the key points needed, to learn each chapter in a thorough manner. Each chapter provides a case study, which gives a very realistic feel on what to expect in the final exams for Medicine, and in clinical practice. All the information, that is provided is relevant to clinical medicine. Dr Mann, goes through covering the molecular side of things into the clinical aspects which is needed to be an effective clinician. The molecular aspects would help the individual understand the clinical stuff such as the patient cases provided in this book. It contains a lot of high - yield information, which covers all the key points and would help the individual develop a good sound physiology knowledge as well as effective communication skills needed in clinical practice. I would highly recommend this textbook to anyone who is studying a fast- track medicine course, as this would help you build the relevant medical skills needed in todays modern healthcare, as well as provide you with the confidence in order to pass your final exams.' Amazon reviewer
This book is fantastic!
‘I bought this physiology book for revision of basic sciences in view of incorporating this into clinical medicine.
This book is extremely clear and well set out. Each chapter, ranging from first principles of the biology underpinning medicine through the individual body systems right through to applied physiology is well illustrated and easy to understand. I found this a comprehensive aid to learning medicine. Each chapter had a relevant case to start and this was really good in consolidating the things that I did not know before reading the chapter - I could then revisit the cases to ensure that I had improved. Finally, it offers a SBA at the end of the book to test your knowledge - the answers to these were actually very well explained and had a variety of difficulties ranging from fairly straightforward to others that were more challenging.
I have used this book extensively for revision in core science modules - if there is something that I am unsure of from my notes I always refer to this book! It is a great revision aid and I would recommend it highly to anybody that is studying for medical exams.' Amazon reviewer
Comprehensive Physiology textbook
‘As a pre-clinical medical student, we constantly need to refer to our physiology textbooks for reference. The eureka series always have clear explanations that are well structured and often accompanied by excellent diagrams and figures such as X-Rays. This book spans a vast range of topics, such as neurology, cardiology, respiratory medicine, gastrointestinal, endocrine and reproductive medicine. As a result, it is a great summary of all the topics and a helpful revision tool close to exams. As all of these aspects are covered in one book, it does not go into too much depth and include all the conditions necessary. However, given that it is a physiology book, it goes into sufficient depth to explain the concepts. The neurology book, for example, would have more depth into some of the anatomy and pathology of the CNS and more examples of clinical conditions, however this is expected.' Amazon reviewer
Great medical resource
‘As a second-year pre-clinical medical student, it is often the case that much of the content learnt in the previous year is forgotten due to the heaviness of the course. Eureka have provided a textbook perfect for the revision and consolidation of physiological concepts. The multitude of clear and colourful diagrams interspersed throughout the text are excellent for quick reference, and the text provides the level of detail expected from a good medical textbook.
Arranged in a systems-based order, this textbook includes both starter questions (useful as a consolidation tool) and clinical scenarios, which are particularly interesting as a pre-clinical student, putting into context all that has been learnt. The self-assessment chapter at the end offers invaluable SBA questions on all the topics covered, with explanations for all the answers.
Having done the neuromuscular system and neurology as two modules this term, I found the corresponding chapters in Eureka Physiology especially helpful if, during lectures, concepts were explained in an unstructured way. Given the complex links within these systems, visualising the processes using the diagrams in this textbook was a very good tool.
Overall, I was very grateful to receive this textbook to review as it proved to be a resource I consistently referred back to. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to tackle the vast field of physiology – a great accompaniment to medical courses.' Amazon reviewer
Absolutely Perfect
‘An absolute essential for anyone studying this topic.
1.Easy layout allowing the reader an easier time to process and understand the information.
2.Concise amount of information given so there's no need to worry that anything you're reading isn't essential for you to know.
3.Clear and easy to understand diagrams that complement the text making the concepts explained that much easier to comprehend.
4.Small size-easily portable thus accessible in many locations(train,park ext.)
5.Information given in bitesize chunks which keeps your interest for longer.
Overall,a fantastic find!!' Amazon reviewer
‘It’s been a few years since I had lectures about basic science and physiology, and it’s so easy to forget when clinical years take over. This book provides a fantastic overview of the entire body, looking at the anatomy and physiology of each body system, with clear, coloured illustrations to help you along. I find renal medicine particularly challenging, and this book allowed me to revise renal medicine before my renal placement, starting with the basics and working up to more difficult aspects like GFR and ion transport. I look forward to using this to revise before other placements.
I’d recommend this book for all years, as it contains all the key information and is the perfect size to carry around on placement, or to the library! The clinical cases are great for those in their clinical years, but are also suitable for those keen students in the junior years wanting to apply their knowledge. A bargain for the price!' Amazon reviewer
Eureka! A useful textbook for reinforcing knowledge
‘As a fourth year medical student physiology can often be forgotten about, however it underpins everything in medicine. This book clearly and concisely explains the physiology of different body systems whilst comparing them to clinical cases for context and relevance. The images and diagrams clearly aid the text, as well as the concise text boxes and tables. The self-assessment questions also aid understanding and reinforce knowledge.' Amazon reviewer
However this book is so easy to read and has a really good level of ...
‘I normally find physiology books really hard to read as there can be too much information given too quickly. However this book is so easy to read and has a really good level of information that you need to know. Also it's divided into really manageable chunks to read. Would definitely recommend to any medical students!' Amazon reviewer
... to review and I can honestly say they are wonderful. Physiology is packed full of helpful diagrams
‘I was sent the Eureka series to review and I can honestly say they are wonderful. Physiology is packed full of helpful diagrams, clinical scenarios and question packs and cover the pre-clinical physiology course almost entirely, making things simple and easy to understand. It starts with the basic information needed for your entire medical course, recapping A level in that little bit more detail that university expects.
What makes it different to any other textbook is that clinical cases and their relevance to the information being taught are mentioned straight away.
The first year DNA and cell lectures are covered easily and quickly in the first ten pages, making this book perfect for quick revision or getting ahead. After the initial chapters, the book becomes systems based, so it is laid out perfectly to overlap with modules in both first and second year. Later on it goes into more detail, meaning in-depth revision is also possible, with SBAs to review. It reads like a condensed, more clinically orientated ‘Human Physiology’ (Pocock and Richards) and is perfect for anyone who needs a basic understanding of the human body and why it works- but then if you want the more complex stuff, it's there too.' Amazon reviewer
‘Despite being a 4th year medic, I do feel the need to brush up on my physiology sometimes! Physiology can be a difficult abstract topic but this book brings in clinical cases to put the topics in context, and has enough colourful diagrams for visual learners to keep things interesting. Of course it's more relevant to preclinical medical students (from an exams point of view, good for first year medics) but once in a while, it's nice to revise some of the basic concepts (eg. cardiac physiology) to help understand clinically relevant information. Most of the starter questions at the beginning of chapters (answers provided in the book) are actually very interesting just from a general knowledge perspective (eg. why is the heart so susceptible to ischaemia, or why is infection associated with a fever, or why does chronic stress cause weight loss). The quality of writing in general is good and for a compact book that is not half as boring as one of your bog standard thick reference physiology textbook, I would recommend it as good value for money. There's a self assessment section at the back for those who like that kind of thing.' Amazon reviewer
An excellent investment for the medical student
‘An excellent book covering all the key topics in physiology, for both medical school exams and for clinical practice. The chapters are clean, clear with all the relevant information. Lots of textbooks will bog you down with all of molecule names and pathways that aren't always essential for clinical practice. This book has none of that with the key information presented in an easily-digestible format. The sub-topics are clearly divided and it's easy to pick up where you left off. Pictures and diagrams are neatly presented to highlight all the learning points.
The clinical scenarios put the science into a practical context and you can start seeing how the information links in nicely. The conditions discussed are common things doctors will see regularly in clinical practice such as diabetic ketoacidosis. The physiology is applied and wraps up the scenario nicely.
Price wise… this is a very good investment to cover all the essentials in medical school exams and in your clinical practice!
Overall, this is an excellent book for medical students of all years. The information is key, succinct, relevant and practical. A very worthwhile investment for the training clinician!.' Amazon reviewer
ISBN: 9781914961151
Dimensions: 244mm x 172mm x 16mm
Weight: 771g
312 pages
2nd Revised edition