‘Last but not least, alive but not at all well, seated near the seat of power, front row, just off centre, the President’s closest friend and bosom buddy, his court jester and backdoor courtier, Charles Gregory Bebe Rebozo, inscrutable …’ A fantasia on the life of Bebe Rebozo, Cuban-American sidekick to President Richard Milhous Nixon, Bebe dives into a swamp of big dicks, bad politics and worse jokes, exploding cigars and lost episodes of I Love Lucy, with a supporting cast of lackeys, stooges, mobsters and other hangers-on.
‘Bebe: must be taken in one reading as the anaesthetic wears off. A swirling maze of dropped names and picked-up hints from the 50s and 60s, sly, expert and filthy. To be read in a Miami Cuban accent.’ – David Thomson
ISBN: 9781909585553
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
96 pages