Article 81 EC and Public Policy

Christopher Townley author


Publisher:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

Published:22nd Sep '09

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Article 81 EC and Public Policy cover

This book discusses the role of public policy in Article 81 of the EC Treaty. The Commission, and recently the Court of First Instance have said that the sole objective of Article 81 EC is consumer welfare. Many competition lawyers and economists support this view. Writing in a crisp, plain style, Townley demonstrates that public policy considerations are still relevant in that provision. He also examines how and where they are currently considered and then suggests why, how and where this might be changed. The book explains how some of the most complex competition law cases can be understood and offers a framework for those fighting or deciding such cases in the future. As such, it will be of interest to European competition lawyers, both academics and practitioners (furnishing them with a framework for hard cases), as well as students, seeking a deeper understanding of how the European competition rules work and how they interact both with European Union and Member State public policy goals. It will also help competition economists by revealing the mechanisms through which public policy considerations impact upon the consumer welfare test in European law.

A un moment ou l'economie europeenne est secouee par une crise qui amene certains a remettre en discussion ses fondements memes, C. Townley prend le risque de nous faire replonger dans le plus classique des debats concernant le droit de la concurrence... quelles sont les valeurs qui justifient l'existence meme d'un droit de la concurrence, valeurs que ce droit devrait contribuer a proteger et a mettre en oeuvre ? Il s'agit d'une question a la fois fondamentale et particulierement actuelle, dans la mesure ou c'est precisement dans les moments de crise que la robustesse d'un systeme antitrust est mise a l'epreuve. L'auteur traite cette question avec une rigueur methodologique evidente des les premieres pages. L'ouvrage est soutenu par une charpente solide, d'autant plus efficace qu'elle est tres clairement indiquee a chaque etape du raisonnement juridique. Celui-ci conduit le lecteur vers une conclusion, qui, si elle n'est pas inedite, est certainement loin de faire l'unanimite : la concurrence ne se resout pas a une equation economique... Le travail de C. Townley a le grand merite de mettre en exergue les specificites du droit europeen de la concurrence qui, comme la Cour de justice l'a repete dans sa jurisprudence, a une portee tres large. En effet, le regime de concurrence europeen a toujours ete un instrument pour la realisation d'objectifs qui ne sont pas seulement economiques. La rigueur de l'analyse mene l'auteur a identifier tres precisement les failles d'un systeme qui semble etre moins mur et moins developpe que certains pretendent. Cette rigueur dans la recherche des aspects du systeme qui peuvent etre ameliores permet au livre de s'appuyer sur une pars destruens tres convaincante. Les consequences de cette rigueur sur la pars construens du raisonnement aboutissent cependant a une conclusion qu'il sera tres difficile de mettre concretement en oeuvre, ce que l'auteur lui-meme reconnait d'ailleurs a plusieurs reprises. La mise en balance d'objectifs publics est par sa nature meme une operation non seulement tres delicate a effectuer, mais surtout tres ancree dans chaque cas d'espece. La redaction de lignes directrices a cet egard, bien que certainement souhaitable pour augmenter le degre de transparence du systeme, peut representer une difficulte presque insurmontable pour la Commission (meme en admettant que celle-ci ait non seulement la volonte de les rediger mais aussi interet a le faire). Paolo Iannuccelli, referendaire at the European Court of Justice Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen August 2011 The treatment of the subject is rich and full of interesting intuitions...This is certainly an interesting book dealing with a topic which had not yet been addressed in an English language monograph so far. One can only hope that scholars will be encouraged to respond to these stimulating and controversial ideas addressing the many questions which they raise or leave unexplored. Renato Nazzini European Law Review Volume 36, February 2011 In general, this study constitutes a unique look at the policy and problems of Article 81, particularly some of the controversial decisions which it has produced. The author's critical remarks and references are invaluable Caroline Si Bouazza Concurrences No 1, 2010 In light of today's new and intriguing context, the paucity of recent and systematic analyses in this area is deplorable. Christopher Townley's work is therefore most welcome and of great practical relevance. Ben van Rompuy European Competition Law Review Volume 31, Issue 5, 2010 Townley has written a much needed book. This book provides a good starting point for the further examination of the important question 'Why, how, and when might public policy have a part to play in contemporary EC competition analysis?'. Anne-Kathrin Kuhnel Cambridge Law Journal 69, 1, March 2010 The book will serve as a rich and comprehensive source of reference with many useful discussions and direct the reader to helpful instruments to tackle a very controversial, ultimately highly political problem. The book reflects the latest comprehensive study on the relevance of the public policy and considerations in Article 81 EC. Constanze Semmelmann Common Market Law Review Volume 47, Issue 3 Article 81 EC and Public Policy constitutes a timely and constructive contribution to the debate on the direction of competition policy in changing and challenging times. Christopher Townley gives a dispassionate and convincing account of the trends and themes characterising the application of Article 101 TFEU ... his commentary is extremely exhaustive and engaging and encourages stimulating reflection in the reader and, it is hoped, food for thought for policy makers at EU and national level. Arianna Andreangeli The Competition Law Review July 2010 The only book in the English language to date that goes into the ex-Article 81 EC policy ideas exclusively and to this detail. Townley's writing style is crisp and clear Dr Robin van der Hout LLM Yearbook of European Law Vol 29, No 1, 2011

ISBN: 9781841139685

Dimensions: 234mm x 156mm x 31mm

Weight: unknown

398 pages