Torah Story, Second Edition

An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch

Gary Edward Schnittjer author



Published:11th May '23

Should be back in stock very soon

Torah Story, Second Edition cover

The gospel story begins in Torah. What culminates at Golgotha starts with the rebellion in the garden. The Torah's story can be framed as a question: How will the word of God overcome the human revolution?

Torah Story offers a student-friendly introduction to the redemptive narrative housed in the first five books of the Bible. Every main chapter introduces a section of Torah with attention to its basic structure.

This is followed by another look at how this portion of Torah connects to the rest of the Christian Bible.

The dynamic design includes opportunities in every chapter to make the most of Torah study including:

  • Helps for getting started (focus questions, key terms, outline)
  • An interactive workshop with challenge questions and advanced questions
  • Suggestions for research projects
  • Next steps for further study

A refreshingly new approach to the Torah--neither an introduction nor a commentary--Torah Story provides an apprenticeship on the Old Testament's first five books. But it also provides a model of how to read Scripture intertextually with an eye to the New Testament gospels. It leaves no doubt as to the overarching unity of the message and composition of the Pentateuch. The second edition is streamlined and simplified throughout, with updated examples and new sidebars and imagery.

'Gary Schnittjer has distinguished himself as an especially perceptive reader of biblical narrative, which makes him an ideal guide for students of the Torah. In this textbook and companion Workbook, he draws from his deep well of insights on the biblical text and his years of classroom experience. My students genuinely thanked me for assigning the first edition. I'm delighted that Schnittjer has taken the time to refresh and shorten the book to communicate even more effectively to future students. I make it a practice not to assign any book that I wouldn't want to reread myself. Torah Story remains an excellent choice!' * Carmen Joy Imes, associate professor of Old Testament Biola University *
'Gary Schnittjer skillfully expounds the Pentateuch from a Christian perspective, illuminating its argument, structure, unity, and trajectory. He excels at explaining intertextual connections and literary techniques. This second edition will enrich the next generation for years to come.' * Mark A. Hassler, professor of Old Testament Virginia Beach Theological Seminary *
'Gary Schnittjer's careful and close read of the Torah effectively captures the big picture supplemented with attention to the priorities of each narrative segment. Gary's exceptional scholarship is complemented by an aesthetically pleasing format that is user-friendly. Content, formatting, and teaching aids combine to make the second edition of the Torah Story an easy choice for classroom and personal study.' * John F. Klem, dean, Center for Biblical Studies Seminary Antipolo City, Philippines *
'Gary Schnittjer's Torah Story is a rich resource for studying the Pentateuch, not only in surveying its content and major themes or in providing helpful charts and illustrations, but by teaching readers how to read and enjoy the Torah for themselves. Torah Story is a superb guide to the abiding message, composition, and literary beauty of the Pentateuch, which I highly recommend for both classroom and personal study.' * L. Michael Morales, professor of biblical studies Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary *
'I have assigned Torah Story in my Pentateuch course for many years because of Gary Schnittjer's engaging approach to Pentateuch studies. What I love most are his insightful Readings, attending to theological interpretation and narrative artistry, and his Another Look brimming with fresh observations about interconnections within and between biblical books. Augmenting these strengths, the second edition of Torah Story is enhanced throughout with updated research, tables, images, and interactive workshops that make an effective textbook even better for anyone seeking an apprenticeship on the Torah.' * Kenneth C. Way, professor of Old Testament and Semitics Talbot School of Theology, Biola University *
'If only this book had been available twenty years ago when I was first asked to teach a survey of the Torah course in a discipleship program for young Israeli believers. Schnittjer's apprenticeship approach to the Torah will be a blessing for teacher and student alike. Every page is filled with gems of learning opportunities--not only in terms of its insights about the Torah but also in its insights about how to teach the Torah. It is my sincerest hope that Schnittjer's approach will be applied to every other book in the Bible in future publications as well!' * Seth D. Postell, academic dean Israel College of the Bible, Netanya Israel *
'It is difficult to improve on an already superb work, but Gary Schnittjer has done just this in the second edition of Torah Story. The introductory chapter, which has been substantially revised and is now even more helpful to the student, explains how to read the Torah in light of how biblical narrative works. Then in the remaining chapters Schnittjer masterfully models his approach to narrative by offering an astute theological reading of the Torah. Throughout the reader finds many invaluable insights into the Torah's literary features and intertextual allusions, which is exactly what we would expect given Schnittjer's expertise in these areas. I cannot recommend Torah Story highly enough!' * Benjamin J. Noonan, associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew Columbia International University *
'Kudos to Gary Schnittjer on the Second Edition of Torah Story! Schnittjer has taken one of the best textbooks on the Pentateuch and made it even better. I love the new, beautiful look and layout of the book, as well as the continued student friendly interaction. Likewise, in Chapter 1, I find his guidelines on how to read biblical narrative to be extremely helpful. Indeed, here and throughout the book Schnittjer has incorporated the latest in Old Testamament scholarship into his discussions. As a professor I appreciate the additional resources available through Zondervan's TextbookPlus program, as well as the helpful Workbook that is available. All in all, this is a great textbook and I highly recommend it!' * J. Daniel Hays, professor emeritus at Ouachita Baptist University and senior professor of Old Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary *
'Schnittjer's Torah Story is a refreshingly unique textbook on the Pentateuch that moves beyond summarizing the content of these books to tracing their literary strategies, intertextual connections, and enduring significance as Christian Scripture. This volume--especially the second edition--offers a new generation of readers a sophisticated, accessible, and indispensable introduction to Scripture's foundational narratives.' * Michelle Knight, assistant professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages Trinity Evangelical Divinity School *
'The first edition of Torah Story has always been my go-to recommendation for textbooks on the Pentateuch. I did not agree with every detail, but it combined clarity and organization with deep research, careful exegesis, and useful application. Over the years I had the privilege of closely observing hundreds of students using this textbook and coming to a deeper understanding of God's Word. Now Gary Schnittjer has made a good textbook even better with updated research, expanded illustrations, and extensive resources for teachers. I look forward to seeing how this new edition will build on the substantial legacy of the first, cultivating sincere love for Christ in those who give themselves wholeheartedly to the study of the Torah.' * Jonathan L. Master, president Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary *
'The key word to take away from this book is the word apprentice. The reader is treated to the work of someone who truly believes that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for Christians. Yes, even the Pentateuch. The first edition guided readers faithfully through the Torah, both to understand its message and its relevance for life and godliness. This new edition brings nearly two decades of additional experience and insight from Schnittjer's own apprenticeship in the Bible. It is improved in every way, offering additional insights and reflections while maintaining the character that made the first edition such a valuable guide. One encounters not merely a fresh coat of paint but a thoroughly restored model. The introductory chapters prepare the apprentices for their tour of the Pentateuch, and in the rest of the book, Schnittjer guides readers through each book of the Torah. Like the best kind of tour guide, he has clearly retained his love and wonder of the Pentateuch, and his intent is for the apprentice to be shaped by it.' * Ryan C. Hanley, department chair and assistant professor of biblical studies University of the Cumberlands *
'The second edition of Torah Story offers an invitation to the reader to become an apprentice of the Pentateuch. As a skilled guide with decades of experience in the classroom, Schnittjer knows how to lead students down the path of discovery through the inductive study of Scripture and shows us how he does it. This volume is ideally suited for professors who want to turn their course into an interactive workshop. Students will enjoy its thought-provoking questions and suggestions for research projects. Highly recommended!' * Gordon Johnston, professor of Old Testament Dallas Theological Seminary *
'This book is brilliant. As someone who loves the Torah and who cares about effective pedagogy, I am so impressed with Torah Story. Gary Schnittjer is clearly a master of the subject and treats it faithfully, thoughtfully, and thoroughly, as a Christian who reveres the Hebrew Bible. But he is also clearly a great teacher, who understands how people learn, and he has tailored the book to maximally help students do just that. Beyond that, he has made it superbly flexible for professors to use in whatever way suits them. If you are going to teach or learn about the Torah, this book is absolutely a must-have.' * Elizabeth W. D. Groves, lecturer in Biblical Hebrew Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia *
'This second edition of Torah Story retains all the best features of the first edition and makes them better. I value this textbook for how it trains students to read biblical narrative in all of its rich design and intertextuality. The second edition enhances this key characteristic through updated and clarified discussion and bibliographic entries. The additional and higher quality pictures enrich the reading experience, and students will appreciate the slightly shorter text, editing that made the writing clearer without losing any necessary content. Students will find Torah Story to be a beneficial resource for study long after their course is over.' * Dr. Megan C. Roberts, assistant professor of Old Testament Prairie College *
'This substantially reworked second edition of Torah Story brings students to the cutting edge of Schnittjer's research on how biblical writers converse with each other and draws readers effortlessly into the strange but compelling story that stretches from creation to the edge of the land. Students will experience that story in all its varied plot twists and turns and learn how to read the Old Testament with literary, historical, and theological sensitivity. Having engaged this Torah territory, they won't want to leave.' * Matthew Lynch, associate professor of Old Testament Regent College, Vancouver *
'Torah is foundational for God's revelation and understanding it accurately provides a crucial basis for understanding and living out the implications of the rest of Christian Scripture. Gary Schnittjer has given the church and the academy a tool that encourages students of all ages and backgrounds to gain greater access and facility in God's Word. With a high view of Scripture, his work provides believers of all times help in grasping Torah. It is readable and relatable to the newer generation of students that need to be challenged and enticed to see the relevance and excitement of building a firm foundation for a life of study of God's Word and the relevance of the Torah for the whole of God's revelation. With that goal, Torah Story provides helpful tools to not only understand the broad strokes but also to dig in deeper with some helpful guidance and direction. It introduces the reader to issues, topics, controversies, and how to read the text for what it intends to teach--all concerns that students new to Torah studies and Scripture in general need to recognize and begin to understand. I look forward to using this even more helpful edition in the classroom as I continue to introduce my students to Torah.' * John Soden, professor, Bible and theology Lancaster Bible College, Capital Seminary and Graduate School *
'With superb literary sensitivity and elegant prose, Gary Schnittjer guides readers through the Pentateuch. His keen insights into the Torah's macrostructure and intertextual connections offer a refreshing alternative to standard introductions and surveys. Torah Story is a masterful textbook--clear and engaging for both students and scholars. Its abundant sidebars, illustrations, and questions elevate the book's usefulness and application for learners at all stages.' * Jillian L. Ross, associate professor of biblical studies Liberty University *

ISBN: 9780310112778

Dimensions: 238mm x 195mm x 39mm

Weight: 1568g

528 pages

Second Edition