The Father's Eternal Freedom
The Personalist Trinitarian Ontology of John Zizioulas
Norman Russell author Chiapetti Dario author
Publisher:James Clarke & Co Ltd
Published:30th Jun '22
Should be back in stock very soon

John Zizioulas is renowned for his controversial reflection on the ontological freedom as the cause and cipher of God's being, which also has important implications for anthropology, ecclesiology and ecumenical dialogue. This view is bound up with a personalist conception of the Trinity, recognised in the teaching of the Greek Church Fathers, in which the person represents the primary ontological category. In particular, Zizioulas shows how, by virtue of the Father, personhood coincides with absolute freedom. In The Father's Eternal Freedom, Dario Chiapetti explores this ontology. Taking into account Zizioulas' epistemological principles, his patristic reading and his theological development, the author systematically presents Zizioulas' thesis, verifying its conformity to dogma and its internal coherence. Chiapetti analyses how Zizioulas' proposal brings back to the centre of systematic theology the teaching of the Greek Fathers, especially the Cappadocians, and the apophatic horizon of dogmatic reflection. Such reflection pushes the discourse on God to its maximum degree, identifying and bringing out, rather than resolving or attenuating, the aporetic terms that structure it.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\hyphpar0\sl252\slmult1\qj\cf1\lang1033\outl\f0\fs20 Dr Chiapetti has produced a comprehensive, profound and fair discussion of Patristic theology, as presented in my work, particularly with regard to its ontological significance. A most successful attempt to bring to the surface the immense significance of Patristic theology for human existence.\par John D. Zizioulas, Metropolitan of Pergamon\par \par Despite being the most influential living Greek theologian, John Zizioulas\rquote publications are largely occasional. Chiapetti knows the thickets of Zizioulas\rquote \lang9217\'9cuvre\lang1033 like no one else. His defence of his theology - against all comers - tests its theological roots and explores its philosophical implications for notions of personhood and freedom. Impressive!\par Andrew Louth, Professor Emeritus of Patristic and Byzantine Studies, Durham University\par \par \expndtw2 In addition to providing a lucid and insightful systematic presentation of Zizioulas\rquote theological vision, Chiapetti breaks new ground by offering a constructive defense of \lquote the father\rquote s eternal freedom\rquote . A must read for those interested in Zizioulas and in contemporary trinitarian theology.\par \expndtw0 Aristotle Papanikolaou, Professor of Theology, Archbishop Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and Culture, and co-founding director of the Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University\par \pard\hyphpar0\sl288\slmult1\qj\par Chiapetti studies here for the first time in depth Zizioulas\rquote Trinitarian theology, the keystone of his synthesis. Led by a rigorous historical and theological method, this study sheds new light on Zizioulas\rquote thought. Chiapetti\rquote s work is important for the ecumenical movement, but also for contemporary reflection on man and on the authentic basis of his freedom.\par Carmelo Giuseppe Conticello, Professor of Byzantine Theology at the Pontifical Oriental Institute and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique\cf0\lang2057\outl0\par } It is with great pleasure that I recommend this book to all those interested in Zizioulas' theology, Greek patristic Trinitarian developments, and Christian personalism. Chiapetti deserves congratulations for this scholarly achievement, as well as for the insightful systematization of a theological topic that is not always easy to engage and convincingly defend. Viorel Coman In St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, pp 223 - 226, 2024.
ISBN: 9780227177730
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
300 pages